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Chapter 4 : Silver Laced in Black

Writer's picture: Antonio CooperAntonio Cooper

Christ finishes sawing off the half-orc’s head, shoving it into a bag. He turns around waving to Lisa with his hand in a come here motion, “I will leave it up to you. I want to see what use you have and WHO you are. Are you some lapdog that needs protecting, are you some maid who can spike a mean drink, or could you be a whore that knows how to pry information from even the tightest lipped soldier?”

Following behind Christ into the darkness, she loses sight of him. Only being guided by the oddly heavy steps in front of her. Lisa squints hoping to get sight of some something, “What are you gonna do with the head?” 

“Don’t bother trying to see through this, it's a magical darkness that I put up earlier before I let my presence known to you, just follow my steps. As far as our departed friend—-” Christ stamps his feet harder with each step.

“Oh, he wasn’t my friend.”

Christ just sighs, “I know its a. . what do you call it, yeah a figure of speech. I know he wasn’t your friend, trust me it was pretty obvious. Anyway, as I WAS saying, I am going to turn this bounty in at the adventurer’s guild over in the military district.” Christ footsteps stop, “Guess I don’t need this up anymore.” All of a sudden a flash of dull musky light pours in from the all directions.

Darkness losses its will to push back the light and quickly being replaced by its rival, pouring into Lisa’s eyes. “OOOOWWH!”, violet light floods into her doe brown eyes. She attempts to cover her face, but she doesn’t react quick enough. A stinging pain momentarily blinds her as heavenly light fills all she sees.

“Nice,” Christ snickers after a quick peek at the show behind him. 

She removes her hands, slowly opening her eyes, “my eyes oow, next time would you please give me some warning.” Rubbing her face, “I would like to say that I was heading to the same adventurers guild to pick up some supplies.”

“That is convenient. . too convenient,” Christ cracks another smile before bursting out laughing, once he regains his composure. “Hey do you know the split at Main South and Brook Street?”

“Yes, by Meat Bender and the Cookie Smiths?”

“Well, you wanna prove yourself, then here is your first chance. At the split we can go West toward Hook Point, or East past the Church of the Mortal Coil. I will warn you though the Church has left only the absolute zealots there. I have heard they are stoning people for not even having amulets of the faith on, and a popular story is a woman was begging for a quick death by a raider so she wouldn’t be in the church’s possession anymore, but one of those zealots lit her on fire.”

Shifting her eyes left and right, “What about the other way?”

“It's perfectly fine, well as fine as it is gonna get.” Christ starts walking down the middle of the road toward the split.

Well if I fall for the trap of picking the hard one, most likely I will end up dying just trying to sneak past them. Or he could be testing me to see how well I handle somewhat on the fly decision making. I could take the safe way and face him not actually being impressed, or I risk everything on the hard path? Looking around at the city, she rubs her hand across her stomach, feeling the shape of the decorated dagger. 

The wind carries a familiar message on its gale, “Do it Lisa.” The voice reminded her of someone she used to know, someone who was sweet despite his tall, muscular frame. “I believe we should take the Western path, there is no reason to endanger ourselves if we don’t need to,” Looking a Christ for approval or disappointment, all she is able to get is a pushed out bottom lip and a shrug, Did he approve of my choice? I mean he seems to like fighting dirty so obviously walking into an open area with a bunch of religious Zuoks wouldn’t be good for either of us. I will play it safe for now and save the extremes for desperate times.

The two walk down the deserted road as the sound of paper slapping the stone cascade in waves as the winds navigate through the expansive city. At the halfway point, Lisa spots something up ahead. “Christ look there,” she points toward a drink shop that specializes in Rey leaf blends. Up ahead under a sign that reads Lily’s Pad Drinks, sits a woman with her back to them and that from this far away sports white hair and has a black dress on. Standing next to her is a person in full-plated armor.

Lisa leans in close, “What should we do?”

Christ leans in only a few voeti away from her ear, “I don’t know, why don’t you tell me. . .leader,” he says with an overly sarcastic tone.

“Lets go talk with her and she what she is doing. With so few people having stayed the stragglers must all have something that kept them in the city. We may be able to learn something from her,” Lisa says as she takes point and moves toward the pair.

Raising an eyebrow Christ shakes his head, with a huff, “Sure why not. I don’t know what your hoping to find, she might just be, oh I don’t know relaxing. White hair indicates she is properly old, she might have lead a life of great evil after drowning her cat in front of her children to prepare them for their father's funeral.”

Lisa stops dead in her tracks, looking back at him. Her mouth hangs open with concern in her eyes, “Christ that came out of nowhere. Are you okay? Would you like to get something off your chest?”

“Nope,” He widens his stride as she heads toward the sitting woman.

Lisa jogs in front of him and stops at the fence encasing the patio of the shop, “Excuse me! My name is Lisa, is everything okay?”

The woman finishes sipping her drink and turns around, Lisa’s heart seizes and her stomach freezes. Lisa couldn’t find the will to break her gaze from the woman before her. Her hair was not white but a brilliant platinum even at the roots, her skin a beautiful pale white only comparable to the Pale Horse of the Plague Master. Her lips while compact bore a tender peach color, as beautiful as her flawless facials features were, it was her infernal eyes that resonated within Lisa’s core. A magma red that could melt flesh from the bone, but contains by an icy cage of sentience that feels foreign to Lisa.

She wore a metal choker ordained with a dazzling red onyx gem, and dangling from it was a crystal gem in the shape of an intricate spider web. Her dress gorgeous as it is hangs on the fringes of her shoulders exposing just a little of what must be a bosom to kill for. The dress hangs loose as it bottom hovers just above the floor exposing black boots that while lavish was clearly means for hiking or travelling. 

A smile forms on the woman’s face, “everything is excellent, I couldn’t ask for a more perfect situation. A city virtually to myself, a chance to see everything man has built in all its glory without the bustling of people. The weather tells a tale of sorrow,” the woman briefly slides her blazing glaze from Lisa to the sky. Lisa fills a weight lifted, but it didn’t last as the woman’s eyes returns. Sweat formed on the back of Lisa’s neck, hair standing on it ends. “Not to mention with the city empty, and not another major city within several months travels, it appears most people just took losses on their life’s works in favor of preserving their lives.” Raising the glass, “I get as much tea as my little tummy can handle.”

The man beside her took his attention from them and focused on the woman, “We both know your little tummy doesn’t have limits. Your gonna drink till you can’t walk, then I am gonna be stuck carrying you, as you continue to sip more of that vile liquid, my lady.”

 Lisa turned her attention to the man who must be some type of knight. His appearance from a distance was also deceptive as he wasn’t actually wearing full-plate armor, but a mixture of armor types. At its core he wore aqua blue cotton and Oak brown leather, above that strips of chain-mail pleaks out from under the breastplate. She couldn’t help but be drawn to the leather straps that held what looks to have been a snow wolf’s pelt covering his shoulder. His helm was intricately designed, yet much like his greaves and gauntlets they were worn from what must have been many battles.

The woman laughed, “You know me so well. Oh sorry my manners.” She turned in her seat to face Lisa and her companion, “I am Mercy—-”

“Lady Mercy,” the knight says sharply.

“Yes yes, and this is Sir. Alacard my trusted knight supreme and bodyguard extraordinaire.”

Posting a smile, Lisa looks over the two, “So is there a reason your still here? I was just curious about why a lady of easily assumed status and knight would hang out here?”

“I am here to meet a few friends. We agreed years ago and I gave my word I would be here no matter what,” taking a sip of her tea. A warm glow forms on her face as if in pure bliss.

“Hate to tell you lady, but if they ain’t here now they aren’t gonna be here, gates are closed.” Christ pipes in.

Mercy’s glow fades and a smirk forms, zooming her eyes in on Christ, “We both know that gates and walls only stop the ignorant and sheep.”

Christ returns her smirk, bobbing his head, “oooh, fair point.” Putting his hand on Lisa’s shoulder. Lisa looks between the two attempting to decipher the hidden conversation between them. 

“Are you saying you know a way in and out of the cities without using the gates?”Lisa leaning on the railing?

“I do young one,” Mercy putting the tea down, finished with her brew.

Lisa squints her eyes, Young one? Typical condensing noble. She cups her hand and gives a deep bow, “Would you please tell us about it?” 

Alacard puts a hand on Mercy’s shoulder. She stands up extending her hand toward Lisa’s hand, “It was a pleasure meeting you, but I must go but mark these words. In the days of hopelessness and despair before you, salvation will find you if you reach out and accept it.”

“Um, thank you Lady Mercy for your wisdom,” grasping on to Mercy’s wrist with the firmest grip she can manage. She can feel Mercy’s grip is firm and robust almost to the point it hurts, but they shake completing the etiquette. 

Lisa watchs the two leave, noticing that Alacard is only a few voeti away from her and is in step with her. He is slightly off scene from her and one misstep would cause him to step on her dress or on the back of her foot. They must have been travelling together for some time, I bet they are lovers. What a strange couple, looking back at Christ. “Well that was weird, but it wasn’t all a waste. I found out that there is another entrance in the city,” brandishing a devilish grin.

“True but your information is really useless. Think about it, this is a capital city, of course there will be escape tunnels, caves, and who knows what else. You didn’t get a location or anything about it other than its existence. I could sense she was more than just some noble, and for all we know she could be thinking about the exact same exit I am. Nice try though,” patting her on the shoulder as he walks past her.

Well, you could acknowledge that I at least found a lead and it has some value, but I guess you are right. I might have just been wasting out time, her shoulders slump, walking with Christ to the adventurer’s guild. 

After ten minutes of walking the two cross through the Military District entrance gate and from several blocks away a massive bang shrieks through the streets. Sounds of yelling and screams poor from the noise, Lisa watches a inky black smoke soar toward the ominous skies originating from the building ahead. Her thoughts race, looking at Christ, “We have to hurry. I have to gather those supplies!”

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